Fractional CFO / CFO Support

A full-time CFO might not be the right current fit for your business, and a fractional CFO can provide flexibility and customization.  David supports clients with fractional CFO and/or CFO support services to provide the benefits of an experienced financial professional without the expense of bringing on a full-time resource.  


Here are some of the areas where David can provide capacity for your organization in a Fractional CFO and/or CFO Support role:

  • Dynamic financial modeling & strategic planning
    • Budget building inc. multi-year projections
    • Revenue forecasting
    • Cash flow forecasting
    • Profit structure review and optimization
    • Capital intensity analysis & redesign
    • Merger & Acquisition modeling and strategy
  • Strategic Financial Communications
    • Investment relations & overall financial comms
    • Financial dashboards & KPIs
      • Internal - to empower effective and timely decision making
      • Board/External - to align interests and foster transparency
    • Quarterly financials
  • Capital
    • Capital formation guidance (inc. bank debt)
    • Fundraising guidance
  • Governance & Compliance
    • Internal audit
    • Auditor selection & engagement
    • Audit prep & support